2017《靈魂曝光術》 新媒體影像個展
Spirit Exposure – New Media Art Exhibition
李炳曄 Ping-Yeh Li
【展出時間 Time】
2017年10月01日(週日) – 10月10 日(週二)
1 Oct 2017(Sun) – 10 Oct 2017(Tue)
【開幕茶會 Opening Party】
2017年10月01日(週日) 15:00
15:00. 1 Oct 2017 (Sun)
【展出地點 Venue】
藝聚空間 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段170巷17弄4號B1
展場電話 02 8773 0633
Meet Art Space.
B1F., No.4, Aly. 17, Ln. 170, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: 02-87730633
【創作概念 Artist Statement】
《靈魂曝光術》是一系列將空間中的動態轉換為曝光值的影像實驗,這些影像可以在現場即時捕捉,也能演算既有的影像檔案而成。此作品是以開放原始碼(Open Source)開發環境:Processing撰寫的影像分析程式,可讀取、比較相機捕捉到的動態、或是影片的前後影格,將動態部分進行曝光,因此隨著影格推進,曝光將逐漸浮現,形成一連串動態的軌跡,如同時、光與空間交互作用所留下的殘影。
本展覽除了以靜態相紙輸出來呈現,也以動畫投影的方式,讓觀眾能看見時光堆疊的痕跡,以及動態逐漸曝光的過程,在此過程中人的軀體是看不見的,僅有身形遊走的光影;因此以《靈魂曝光術》命題,以科技為媒材,藉由電腦視覺(Computer Vision)的視角,突顯在時空中,人人皆是空無、匆忙之過客。
Created by Ping-Yeh Li, Spirit Exposure is a series of visualization that converts the motion in space into light exposures. This visualization could be lively rendered on site by a laptop and camera, or produced by processing recorded video files. Spirit Exposure is a piece of image-analysis software developed in Processing, an Open Source environment. This software can read the frames captured by a camera (or a video file), see the changing pixels between adjacent frames, and expose the changed patterns. Therefore, frame by frame, the light gradually emerges in an image, forming a dynamic trajectory, an interaction between the time, light, and space.
This exhibition displays some Spirit Exposure images and a wall-projected animation of this image-rendering process. The animation shows the audience the traces of time by a progress of dynamic light drawing. The human body is not visible in this progress. The only visible trace is the shadow and light formed by the motions. This is why “Spirit Exposure” is used to describe this image experimentation— by applying technology as an artistic media, and looking through the perspective of Computer Vision, this exhibition would like to suggest that every human being is an empty and rush passenger in time and space.