Ocean Waste Plastic Skull – A Generation, Fluidity and Duration (2023)

《海廢塑料頭骨―其生成、流動與綿延 Ocean Waste Plastic Skull – A Generation, Fluidity and Duration》 (2023)




Inspired by Deleuze’s philosophy, which emphasizes becoming over being, this work combines recent reflections on new media art as an ecological practice. It employs ready-made sculptures, technological installations, programming, and AI-generated animations to create a “generative” material observation. This approach aims to break free from rigid, categorical thinking and guide viewers’ consciousness toward diverse aspects of material history, composition, spatiotemporal flow, future imaginings, and the intricate interconnections between artifacts, ecology, and technology.

Ocean Waste Plastic Skull – A Generation, Fluidity and Duration” juxtaposes projected images with physical objects to transform human consciousness. In the projected images, viewers witness the ever-changing appearance of ocean waste plastic skulls: sometimes rapid animations depicting various plastic-human life connections, sometimes the aggregation of light particles representing the dispersion and flow of plastic material in the deep sea, and at other times, fragmented forms resembling the changing landscapes of natural terrain. These visuals may also display distorted patterns, akin to the forces exerted on materials by seawater and tides. Simultaneously, the static ocean waste plastic skull in the exhibition space is scanned by a dynamic laser system. The scanning corresponds to the previously mentioned projected images, reflecting the rich interplay between material and image. UV lights are used to reveal the diverse material compositions of the colorful ocean waste plastic, making them shine in the blueish micro-light, unveiling deeper and more diverse observation dimensions.

The technological core of this work involves Processing programming, which connects AI animations, 3D scan models, laser modules, and motorized slides, creating an experiential, tech-operated environment. In line with Deleuze’s concept of “univocity of deterritorialization” (a state of open dissolution into heterogeneous differential elements), this work aims to liberate material observation from conventional frameworks. It freely and openly presents rich, diverse, and heterogeneous material patterns, highlighting differences in detail. This approach loosens conceptual, categorical, and arbitrary value judgment systems, ultimately achieving transcendence. By embracing open, infinitely extendable, experiential thinking and merging technology with the humanities in artistic exploration, we can break free from norms and boundaries, addressing the challenges and issues of the Anthropocene.

尺寸:空間約 390cm(寬) x 780cm(深) x 320cm(高)

Dimensions: 390cm (width) x 780cm (depth) x 320cm (height).
Materials: Ocean waste plastic, 3D printing, adhesive, wood, stepper motors, stepper motor slides, laser module, computer, Processing programming, Arduino programming, stereo speakers, projector.
Year: 2023

展出地點:國立陽明交通大學新竹校區藝文空間 (浩然圖書館B1)