
Media Art Practice as Media Archaeology — Why and How?
This article is a note for myself (a quick recap of my own method of media archaeology through practice):

Zombie Media Art – Media Archaeology as Art Methodology
In this article I contextualize the idea of “Zombie Media” and its application of media archaeology as art methodology.
植物宇宙觀 | Botanical Universe (2014)
Botanical Universe is a new media art exhibition in Space 5, Culture Lab, Newcastle University on 25th Nov 2014.
Fabricating machines for enhancing spirituality ? 機器創造做為靈性提升的可能?
‘…the Renaissance delight in creating deceptive, moving, artificial figures, as if the vanished world of classical antiquity, or Eden itself, could be recreated by a combination of artifice, engineering, and magic — the three being not always distinguishable’ (Sawday, 2007:189).

植物鐘 | Botanical Clock (2014)
A documentation of the concept modelling and contextual review while developing “Botanical Clock” (2014- ).