〈植物宇宙觀 V.2〉是一個反映植物生存狀態的動力機械作品,藉由電子零件與原木所組構出的「植物賽博格」,來引發觀眾對於自然生態的進一步想像。
時間之花─對應宇宙 | Flower of Time: Universal Correspondence (2018)
時間之花:電子機械展示裝置 V.1 | Flower of Time : Electromechanical Device V.1 (2016)
植物宇宙觀 | Botanical Universe (2014)
Botanical Universe is a new media art exhibition in Space 5, Culture Lab, Newcastle University on 25th Nov 2014.
植物鐘 | Botanical Clock (2014)
A documentation of the concept modelling and contextual review while developing “Botanical Clock” (2014- ).
經驗轉換器 | Experiential Converter V.2 (2014)
經驗轉換器 | Experiential Converter V.1 (2013)
時間之花 V.1 | Flower of Time V.1 (2013)
An UTC calibrated clock that shows each second with a corresponding color pattern.
靈魂曝光 | Spirit Exposure V.2 (2013)
轉輪之眼 | Samsara Eye V.2 (2013)
Samsara Eye explores the potentiality of the interlinked body in technology. By referencing religious visual metaphors, it intends to create a ritual space of dance.
靈魂曝光 | Spirit Exposure v.1 (2013)
The first version of Spirit Exposure. This experimental project is part of my PhD research which explores the ‘esoteric’ qualities of experience generated by machines.