人類目前面臨的生態浩劫、溫室效應是極其複雜的實體和事件,是多維度的存在。英國哲學家Timothy Morton提出「超物件(Hyperobject)」的觀點:人類直覺上認為沒有關聯性的事件,實為緊密關聯。例如:就海洋塑料汙染而言,人類個體每天居家生活的習慣、兒時記憶中玩具的聲響、遠方海中的魚類生態、以及在某國家沙灘上的大群魚類屍體,皆具有直接且緊密的因果關係。
本作延續對於「超物件」的認知,以及虛擬實境(VR)媒介的特性,我將原本遙遠的空間近距離地銜接在一起,如:海灘與居家室內空間、幼兒遊樂場與廢棄傾倒場。為了化解空間之間銜接的突兀感,此作以一個涵洞(是在北海岸龜吼漁港一帶掃描的實景)作為空間之間穿梭的通道,讓觀賞者在此涵洞中來回行走,每次出洞口都會看到不同的景象、聽見全然不同的音景。在此涵洞中,站著一隻像是兩棲動物、又像是猴子的生物,以英文朗讀:笛卡兒(René Descartes)的方法論讀本(Discourse on the Method,1637,英文版),說出關於對於自身的感覺的不信任、並認為現象世界就是一場騙局。
The ecological crisis and the greenhouse effect that humanity faces today are immensely complex entities and events, existing in multiple dimensions. British philosopher Timothy Morton introduced the concept of “hyperobjects,” suggesting that events that appear unrelated to human intuition are, in fact, closely interlinked. For example, in the case of ocean plastic pollution, the everyday habits of individuals, the sounds of childhood toys, the ecology of fish in distant seas, and the mass carcasses of fish on a beach in a particular country all have direct and intricate causal relationships.
Continuing this understanding of “hyperobjects” and harnessing the characteristics of virtual reality (VR) as a medium, my work bridges remote spaces together, such as a beach and an indoor living space, a children’s playground and a waste dump. To mitigate the abruptness of the connection between spaces, I have incorporated a culvert (scanned from the actual scene in the vicinity of Guihou Fishing Port on the North Coast) as a passage for movement between spaces. As viewers traverse this culvert, they encounter different scenes and hear entirely distinct soundscapes each time they emerge.
Within this culvert stands a creature resembling both an amphibian and a monkey, reciting Rene Descartes’ “Discourse on the Method” (1637, English version) in English. It expresses distrust of its own sensory perceptions and posits that the phenomenal world is an elaborate deception.
Creating through virtual reality (VR) is akin to constructing a self-contained world that encompasses relationships between objects, relationships between sound and space, light, time, dynamics, and all the aesthetic experiences and meanings therein. Through the shifting experiences of the virtual world and fragments of the real world, I reflect on the estrangement between humans and nature, as well as the phenomena and contradictions of seeking a better world in non-existent spaces.
尺寸:220 x 220 x 350 cm (實體空間)
Dimensions: 220 x 220 x 350 cm (physical space)
Materials: Immersive virtual reality experience, VR head-mounted display, VR controllers, computer, Three.js programming
Year: 2021