This work visualises six spacial information: Temperature, Light, Audio, PIR, Battery, and Humidity data captured by the TEDDI sensors in 2nd floor, Kings Gate Building in Newcastle University, UK. According to engineers in Culture Lab, the TEDDI sensors were installed in the building to accurately predict energy usage and help develop a decision support tool to reduce energy consumption.This is the first building in the world to use sensors to detect human presence, audio, temperature, humidity and light to provide a better understanding of building energy output, air-conditioning and heating system.
This data visualisation project aims to transform these massive data flow into visual experience and interactive platform. Developed in Open-source environment “Processing”, this work can transform an architectural space’s conditions into 3D responsive patterns. Through online data transmission, this work provides a holistic overview of all the information gained in the architectural space in realtime. By paralleling the sensor information and the floor map, the audience can see the new relationship between the sensor-extended human perception and the architectural spaces.
這件資料視覺化作品是我在新堡大學就讀創作博士(practice-based PhD)後的第一個創作專題。這個附載著數百個TEDDI感測器(TEDDI sensors)的建築,是全世界第一個能透過六種數據(溫度、濕度、亮度、聲音、人的活動及蓄電量)來自動調整室內溫控與節能的智慧建築。「能量感知計劃」(Sensing Energies)是透過TEDDI感測器來延伸人類知覺的計畫,透過將網路即時擷取的資料轉化為視覺經驗,讓觀賞者感受到另一個空間的各種狀態。本作品以開放原始碼平台Processing撰寫,於2012年12月14日展出於文化實驗室第五空間。
英國新堡大學的Kings Gate Building日前開始執行由文化實驗室(Culture Lab)工程師設計的節能計畫:「TEDDI計畫:建築管理與能源需求」(di.ncl.ac.uk/projects/teddi)。