《北海岸海廢考古–海牛 Marine Waste Archaeology on the North Coast – Manatee》 (2021)
The manatee is one of the endangered animals greatly affected by human ocean waste plastic. I utilized a manatee skull scanned at a natural history museum, downloaded its simplified files online, edited, segmented, 3D printed, and then reassembled it. Finally, I adorned it with ocean waste plastic collected during beach cleanups on the northern coast of Taiwan (at Guihou Fishing Harbor and Shuiwei Fishing Harbor). Through a process involving sampling, reduction, and decoration, the resulting object has long ceased to resemble the original manatee skull; it has become an empty shell, a toy, an ornament. This signifies the ever-changing relationship between humans and animals in a changing environment—a more imperfect, sample-derived cognitive illusion.
尺寸:58 x 45 x 36 cm + 限地布置
媒材:海廢塑料、3D列印、海砂、Raspberry pi、液晶螢幕
Dimensions: 58 x 45 x 36 cm + Site-specific installation
Materials: Ocean waste plastic, 3D printing, sea sand, Raspberry Pi, LCD screen
Year: 2021

《北海岸海廢考古–赤蠵龜Marine Waste Archaeology on the North Coast – Loggerhead Turtle》 (2021)
同海牛一般,赤蠵龜亦是受人類海廢塑料影響而瀕臨絕種的動物之一。我利用自然史博物館掃描之赤蠵龜頭骨、線上下載其簡化檔、編輯、分塊、3D列印,再重新組合,最後在其上貼飾在台灣北海岸淨灘所得之海廢塑料,來形成此空殼、玩具、擺飾。同時,使用Raspberry pi 攝影機捕捉其表面之海廢塑料色彩,儲存在一資料庫中,藉此,我們可以畫出螺旋狀的色譜、延伸的花朵、或是其他。
Similar to the manatee, the hawksbill sea turtle is also one of the endangered animals greatly affected by human ocean waste plastic. I used a scanned hawksbill sea turtle skull from a natural history museum, downloaded its simplified files online, edited, segmented, 3D printed, and then reassembled it. I adorned it with ocean waste plastic collected during beach cleanups on the northern coast of Taiwan, creating this empty shell, toy, and ornament. Simultaneously, I used a Raspberry Pi camera to capture the colors of the ocean waste plastic on its surface, storing them in a database. With this data, I was able to create spiral spectra, extended flowers, or other visual representations.
尺寸:25 x 40 x 60 cm
媒材:海廢塑料、3D列印、旋轉台、Raspberry pi、數位相機、程式設計
Dimensions: 25 x 40 x 60 cm
Materials: Ocean waste plastic, 3D printing, turntable, Raspberry Pi, digital camera, programming
Year: 2021
《北海岸海廢考古–副櫛龍 Marine Waste Archaeology on the North Coast – Parasaurus》 (2021)
尺寸:25 x 45 x 80 cm
《北海岸海廢考古–人類 Marine Waste Archaeology on the North Coast – Human》 (2021)
尺寸:25 x 45 x 60 cm