Light Image: Gardenscape (2021) is part of a light art event (光映綺想曲) hosted in the Lin Ben Yuan Family Mansion and Garden (板橋林家花園) in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. It was installed in Xiang-Yu Yi (香玉簃), a hut in the Lin’s Garden. The Lin’s Garden is a Class-2 Historical Site which can be traced back to 1847.
Xiang-Yu Yi was a place to enjoy flowers in the past. Xiang-Yu (香玉) is the alias for flowers, and Yi (簃) refers to the hut by the pavilion. The owner used to grow flowers of different seasons in the garden in front of Xiang-Yu Yi, and invited friends to enjoy.
Light Image: Gardenscape reflected to the architectural context and characteristics of Xiang-Yu Yi. The work is installed in the center of the space for the audience to walk around. The work’s five LED screens move up and down in a staggered manner, gradually piecing together images of blooming flowers. The temporal image, visual memory and the divergence of LED color light in the Xiang-Yu Yi echoes the space’s connection with flowers in the changing seasons, and its historical atmosphere under the flow of time.
展覽地點|板橋林家花園 (220新北市板橋區西門街9號)
開放時間|周日—周四 : 09:00 — 17:00 , 周五—周六 : 09:00 — 21:00
策展人| 邱誌勇
Event Page:
【板橋林家花園光雕秀 15分鐘穿越百年時空】