A UTC calibrated clock that shows each second with a corresponding color pattern.
Different forms of clocks have been made through the human history as time tellers, including the “shadow clock” (1500 BC) in ancient Egypt and the “water clock” (4000 BC ) in China. The form and design of the clocks were largely influenced by their cultural and historical backgrounds. With a notion to explore “making through coding”, I wonder if we can make a clock that doesn’t tell us the time readings but the corresponding color pattern of each second?
Developed with Processing 2.0b9, “Time Flower” calibrates with global UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and changes its formation and color depending on the hour, minute and second readings.
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自古以來人類使用不同的材料與方法來顯示時間,包含日晷、水鐘等。時鐘的設計與當時的文化與歷史背景有極大關聯。這個影像實驗帶著「透過編碼來製作」的意圖,試著探討「我們能否設計一個時鐘,並非顯示時間讀數,而是來顯示每一秒鐘對應的色彩圖案?」我使用Processing撰寫此「 時刻花」,讓它隨時與世界標準時(UTC)校準,並且以簡易運算將時、分、秒數值轉化為色彩與造型。