Experiential Converter V.2 is a live performance in The Hypnopompic State, a sound event curated by artist Jiun- Shian Lin and collaborated with Professor Jennie Lin in Culture Lab, Newcastle University, UK on 1st July 2014.
Experiential Converter is a series of digital media art experiments which investigates the “correspondence” between objects (i.e. image, sound and kinetic sculpture) through data translation techniques. This idea of correspondence can be traced back to prehistoric magic and ritual practice, where the principles of correspondence underlies all pre-modern experimental science including medicine, alchemy and astrology. This practice also revisits the spiritual theory of color-sound analysis by Wassily Kandinsky.
Experiential Converter V.2 is a live performance with image generated by the Colour-Collector and sound tones translated from the colours’ RG B values. The live sound is changing the moving pattern of two kinetic-LED-sculptures. The higher the pitch is, the faster and brighter the kinetic sculpture is performing. By using digital measurements and translation as art technique, Experiential Converter V.2 investigates the quality of “synesthesia experience”, an experience that may be considered aesthetic by performing correspondence between live image and sound, and between sound and movements
經驗轉換器V.2以現場表演的方式呈現,意圖產生影像-聲音-空間的緊密「對應關係」(Correspondance)。於2014年7月1日於英國新堡大學文化實驗室舉辦之「半意識狀態」(The Hypnopompic State)音像表演活動中演出。經驗轉換器是一系列的新媒體創作,探討數位媒介能透過信息運算的方式,找尋在不同物件(如影像、聲音、動態雕塑)之間的「對應關係」,在空間中相互轉換作為藝術經驗。關於此對應關係的概念,可回溯到人類史前的魔術與儀式,亦即在現代科學以前,人類實驗性科學(醫學、占星術、鍊金術)所仰賴的方法。也可重新探索康丁斯基在其色彩-聲音的分析著作中所追尋的精神性(the spiritual)。
這件作品將色彩作為訊息來源,即時讀入色盤上的色彩,依照色彩的R、G、B數值,以三個音階來表示每一個色彩。在現場裝設有兩個聲音互動雕塑(Sound-responsive Sculpture),將接收到的聲音分析,依據捕捉到的主要音頻高低,來改變動態雕塑的動作及發光。本次表演與藝術家林俊賢、長笛音樂家林姿瑩教授等共同策劃與演出。透過數位測量,這件作品意圖產生一種人類神秘學(esoteric)的經驗:在現場所產生的色光、聲音和物件具有相互對應的絕對關係。在看似複雜的視覺與聽覺經驗背後,探索人與自然的關係,以及世界萬物的隱性關聯。