我近期之創作關注在科技的蛻變下,人類體感的延伸所能引發的社會創新實踐。在這個傘狀意念下,我透過現成物蒐集、陶作、動力機械裝置、資料視覺化、科技服飾開發、沉浸式虛擬實境體驗,將社會與環境議題轉化為現場經驗。本展覽以「異態 · 共頻」為題,意指「在變異狀態下的共同頻譜」,探尋人類在變異的科技與環境下,所賴以生存的想像關係和圖景。
My recent creations focus on the social innovation practices that can be triggered by the evolution of technology and the extension of human body perception. Under the umbrella concept, I have transformed social and environmental issues into on-site experience through the collection of ready-made objects, pottery making, kinetic installation, data visualization, technological clothing development, and immersive virtual reality experience. This exhibition is named Common Frequency in Variant State, which means “a common frequency spectrum in a state of mutation”, exploring the imaginary relationship and picture that we humans rely on for survival in the mutating technology and global environment.

展覽名稱|【異態·共頻 李炳曄個展 Common Frequency in Variant State – Solo Exhibition by Ping-Yeh Li】
地點|國立臺灣師範大學德群畫廊 1F & B1 (De-qun Art Gallery)
開幕茶會|2021年12月04日 (六) PM 2.00
開放時間|周一至周日 9.00-12.00、13.00-17.00,週四下午及周五全日不開放
如果你有google cardboard,建議用手機透過Safari或Chrome瀏覽器體驗,按下方的VR眼鏡圖示、把手機橫放,就可進入VR模式。用Oculus quest更好,透過瀏覽器browser,用控制器點選Enter VR就可體驗。
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