Bloom in the rain published on fxhash.
Generative Token description
In the oriental ink and wash paintings, the plain nature and the poetic charm are admired. The seemingly lonely scenery can often reflect the noble sentiment of the literati. In this work, I create a poetic, raining scenery by p5.js. I also reproduce the ink rhythm and texture strokes pattern left by the brush on the rice paper. This is my preliminary exploration of generative art with the form and style of oriental aesthetics.
Created purely with p5.js.
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and press [s] to save a png
- pallete: whiteBackground | darkBackground | color ink
- rock position: left | center | right
- number of tree: one | two | three
- rain: none | drizzle | shower | heavy | extremely heavy
- background type: mountain | ocean
- composition: horizontal_long | horizontal | square
- invert color: true | false
- moon type: full | slender
This is an original work created by Pingyeh Li, Sep 2022.
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 – @Pingyeh Li
本作品為台灣fxhash telegram社群發起的共創計畫TezBloom之一。
「TezBloom」是由台灣fxhash交流群(Telegram)發起的共同創作行動,六位藝術家—Yo (Lu Tsung-yu)、GG Delightening、caddy2317、nullbaysea、Chi.L、Pingyeh Li共同以「Bloom」為主題進行生成藝術創作,並將於台灣時間2022年10月1日00:00 (也就是9/30周五晚間23:59後)於Tezoz區塊鍊生成藝術平台fxhash同時開啟鑄造。創作過程中大家透過Telegram一起討論作品主題、視覺形式、變化度,也交換程式經驗,讓每件作品都有不同以往的成熟度,大家真的一起變強囉!
“Rose 1851” by Yo (Lu Tsung-yu)
“Shivering Dream” by Delightening
“Tezbloom everywhere” by caddy2317
“InBloom” by nullbaysea
“Fairy flower pattern” by Chi.L
“Bloom in the rain” by Pingyeh Li

開啟鑄造後,成功開花結果,在當日午夜於生成藝術平台 fxhash 多數就已完售,六位創作者身份多元,此次於元宇宙聚首發起集體創作,是一個非常特別的緣份。FAB DAO 作為藝術銀行,已永久收藏此次六件作品,並製作為虛擬展間: