動態空污資訊網 | Taiwan Air Pollution Visualising Web (2020-)

幻音叢林-擬仿音景 | Illusional Jungle Soundscape (2020-)
讓多位觀眾透過手機,在大城市中一起探索神秘的叢林音景體驗,適用在多個街區、並由多人一起參與 (開發中)

感染漩渦 | Swirl of Infection (2020)
繪畫之衍生層個展 | Painting’s Derivative/Algorithmic Layer – A Solo Exhibition (2020)
土地的容顏─河之色/音譜 | The Face of the Land─ River Chromatography/ Frequency (2019)
植物宇宙觀V.2 | Botanical Universe V.2 (2019)
〈植物宇宙觀 V.2〉是一個反映植物生存狀態的動力機械作品,藉由電子零件與原木所組構出的「植物賽博格」,來引發觀眾對於自然生態的進一步想像。
靈魂曝光 V.2 | Spirit Exposure V.2 (2018)
〈靈魂曝光 V.2〉於2018 TAxT 桃園科技藝術節展出。
時間之花─對應宇宙 | Flower of Time: Universal Correspondence (2018)
轉生樹―體感故事牆 | Reincarnation Tree (2018)
謎霧之境 | Field of Smog P5.js (2018)
靈魂曝光術個展 | Spirit Exposure – A New Media Art Exhibition (2017)
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”15″ display=”basic_imagebrowser” display_view=”default-view.php” template=”default”]時間之花:即時生成性視覺化 | Flower of Time: Generative Visualisation (2017)
時間之花:電子機械展示裝置 V.1 | Flower of Time : Electromechanical Device V.1 (2016)
植物宇宙觀 | Botanical Universe (2014)
Botanical Universe is a new media art exhibition in Space 5, Culture Lab, Newcastle University on 25th Nov 2014.
碎片肖像 | Fragments of Portrait (2013)
植物鐘 | Botanical Clock (2014)
A documentation of the concept modelling and contextual review while developing “Botanical Clock” (2014- ).
經驗轉換器 | Experiential Converter V.2 (2014)
經驗轉換器 | Experiential Converter V.1 (2013)
鏡之鏡 | Mirror of Mirror V.1 (2013)
時間之花 V.1 | Flower of Time V.1 (2013)
An UTC calibrated clock that shows each second with a corresponding color pattern.
靈魂曝光 | Spirit Exposure V.2 (2013)
轉輪之眼 | Samsara Eye V.2 (2013)
Samsara Eye explores the potentiality of the interlinked body in technology. By referencing religious visual metaphors, it intends to create a ritual space of dance.
靈魂曝光 | Spirit Exposure v.1 (2013)
The first version of Spirit Exposure. This experimental project is part of my PhD research which explores the ‘esoteric’ qualities of experience generated by machines.
能量感知 | Sensing Energies: TEDDI Sensor Data Visualisation (2012)
英國新堡大學的Kings Gate Building日前開始執行由文化實驗室(Culture Lab)工程師設計的節能計畫:「TEDDI計畫:建築管理與能源需求」(di.ncl.ac.uk/projects/teddi)。
湖畔的虎尾蘭 | Sansevieria upon the Lake (2012)
靜態影格 Still Frame 1024×768 pixels, Maya & Photoshop
迷霧森林 | Fog Forrest (2012)
新異種個展於牛津 | New Species Found in Notfamousyet Gallery, Oxford (2009)
異種植物研究所碩士畢展 | N.P.S.R.I Degree Show in ECA (2009)
聖黑殿堂 | Holly Dark Heaven (2009)
Tedaiwinburangh (2007)
毀滅之城 | City in Armageddon (2005-2006)
關於台北的畫 | Paintings about Taipei (2001-2004)
A series of oil paintings and watercolors painted in Taipei between 2001-2004. These pieces recorded my memories, traces and inspirations in the biggest metropolis in Taiwan.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”5″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]版畫 | Prints (2002-2005)
Some prints made between 2002 and 2005 while studying in Department of Fine Art, NTNU in Taipei, Taiwan. I was very obsessed with the crowded, multiple-cultural metropolis of Taipei.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”4″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”]素描 | Sketches (1998 – 2003)
A few drawings made in high school and university (NTNU) between 1998 and 2003. I enjoyed creating some kind of atmosphere and spatial depth in these two dimensional works.
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