
當科學提供事實,藝術則講故事。Nicholas Kahn和Richard Selesnick的作品中融入了史實的交錯、末日未來、蒸汽龐克風格。作品中有稚氣的嬉鬧,亦有發人省思的嚴肅。他們將NASA拍攝的火星地貌和內華達、猶他州的沙漠照片結合,創造一系列偽現實、偽科學的場景。當藝術與科學如何能透過各種形式結合成為討論的焦點,這不失為一個好的引用 — 藝術與科學是如何維持一種相互依賴、卻又彼此劃分界線的關係。
Art has a unique set of tools to represent our world: irony, allegory, metaphor and humor. Science provides facts while art tells stories. Kahn & Selesnick fabulize at the intersection of historical fact, apocalyptic future, nerdy museology and steam-punk. Melding childlike playfulness with adult obsessiveness they create faux-historical narratives realized as photography, sculpture, and installation. While how art and science can hybridise each other have became a focus of discussion, this is a good reference: How art and science is tied to each other while at the same time relatively different.
“Mars: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea” by Nicholas Kahn & Richared Selesnick. Image from: http://kahnselesnick.tumblr.com/